The Cloud. Anything, Everything, Anywhere.
What is The Cloud? Cloud computing, often referred to as simply “the cloud”, is the delivery of on-demand computing resources – everything from applications to data – over the Internet on a pay-for-use basis. Cloud computing consists of hardware and software resources made available on the Internet as managed third-party services. These services typically provide access to advanced software applications and high-end networks of server computers. Xero, Vend & Receipt Bank are perfect examples of Cloud based systems – so is your internet banking. The information is kept with the program; you don’t need to locate your data file on your office server or desktop computer. You can access these programs from any device that has an Internet connection at anytime that is convenient to you. All of our data is securely stored in the Cloud; emails, documents and even our calendars and contact databases. We can create and invite you into your own personal folder, where you can leave data for us to process, and we can leave data for you to review. Features we love about Cloud Computing include: • Ease of accessibility • The office is accessible everywhere • Secure storage • Highly secure (passwords to access passwords) • Synchronization across ALL devices.
Why outsource my bookkeeping?
When you startup or run a small to medium size business, you need to ask yourself the question: Do I really want to employ another staff member to manage the accounts? Be responsible for their weekly wages, sick leave, annual leave, workers compensation and superannuation? Have to worry about training, their skills and knowledge, and whether they actually know what they’re doing? Or would you rather pay a properly trained, ATO approved and registered specialist to manage your accounts from a remote location, keep your books up to date, and leave you alone to do what you do best?
We need someone immediately; can you help?
If you’re running behind in your bookkeeping, have the ATO breathing down your neck or are in all out panic mode regarding the state of your accounts, please take a deep breath and Get In Touch as soon as possible so we can assist. Don’t leave it to fester! We specialise in Catch Up and Rescue Work and have systems in place that enable us to get on top of your bookwork quick smart. But the longer you leave it, the longer it will take us to get it up to date.
How much do you charge?
The fees associated with managing your accounts will vary in accordance with the particular requirements of your business, payroll requirements, volume of transactions and any extra services you require. We tailor Monthly Fixed Fee packages for each of our clients that cover the time and resources required to manage their accounts. These Fees are automatically drawn from our Clients nominated accounts – they know exactly how much they’re paying and when. Visit our Packages & Pricing page for more details. Day-to-day accounts maintenance Month end accounts Quarterly accounts Annual review Trouble shooting ATO Lodgements Please visit our Bookkeeping services page for more information about the services we offer.
We only need someone temporarily; can you fill in?
My Admin Girl can offer daily rates for fill in jobs whilst key members are away sick, on holidays or whilst you are in-between staff but want to find the right fit. Please Contact Us to discuss your situation and we will do our best to be of assistance. while undertaking work for any of our clients.
What software Does My Admin Girl use?
We are able perform on almost any software. My Admin Girl is proficient with MYOB, MYOB Essentials, Xero and Reckon and Quickbooks. If you do not have software set up, we can suggest the most appropriate alternative and provide you with training and support.
I know I need to get organised, but change just seems too hard, why bother?
The longer you leave it, the more tangled your financial affairs will become – which means more time and expense to put everything right. Far worse – without proper financial management you simply don’t have access to the accurate and up to date information you need to effectively manage your business. With every day you operate in the dark you miss out on more opportunities for development and growth. And it need not be hard. We are experts at overhauling existing accounting functions and resolving historical issues, so we can quickly and painlessly take over the management of your financial administration. We’ll take all the stress and pressure off your hands so you can get on with running your business, Get in Touch ASAP.
What accounting software do you use?
We are extensively experienced in Quickbooks, Reckon Accounts, Xero, MYOB Essentials, MYOB Account Right (all versions) and long hand in spreadsheets. All staff have ongoing training to support all software and their updated.
How will you get started?
Once our initial Client Establishment phase is complete, we will begin by conducting a thorough review of your accounting system and current procedures so that we can advise you of any matters that need immediate attention. Where there are existing, historical issues present, we would estimate the time needed to resolve and bring your systems to optimal operating standards and provide you with a secondary proposal for that work. Monthly maintenance commences from the time you accept our Proposal and formally Welcome us into your team.
We would like our administration manager to do some of the work, but they don’t have the training to manage it all, can you work with them?
Absolutely! We are happy to oversee and support your staff in processing your data and supplement their work by providing the higher end services such as bank reconciliations, journal entries and GST checks prior to BAS lodgements. We offer Support Packages which are perfect for those businesses that just need a little help from time to time but want to process their accounts themselves.
Can you just do my BAS each quarter?
Yes! All of our BAS Only Packages are inclusive of a data integrity check. As we are not processing your data ourselves, we need to ensure all entries are compliant and that source documentation is available to prove the legitimacy of the transactions. Visit our Self Managed Packages page for more information.